Jim Cissna had told us that we should take the drive from Flagstaff to Sedona so that’s where we plan to go this morning. We had also been told to go on down to Jerome and check out the shops as it was really neat. Jerome is an old mining town(copper, I think). On the way, just outside of Cottonwood, we saw a man along the side of the road selling elk jerky and buffalo jerky. Floyce stopped and got some for Rodney. Driving down highway 89A from Flagstaff to Sedona was spectacular. The tall red rock cliffs are nearly impossible to describe. How many times can I use the word, beautiful.
As we were going through Cottonwood, we spotted some kids at a corner advertising a car wash, so we decided to have the van washed to help the kids. We asked what the fundraiser was for and found that they were an all-star little league ball team raising money to go to the state playoffs, July 19 in Yuma. I asked if I could follow them on the internet and they said to look for Verde Valley Little League (vvll.com). I don’t know if others see things that God does like I am about to describe and I haven’t either in the past, but this is the way I have learned to see God’s hand working. God knew about the carwash and the need for cars to wash. He also knew we would be driving by. Therefore, he placed a desire in our minds to go where there were no paved roads to get our van dirty so we could help the kids.
We stopped for gas in Winslow, AZ and took I40 east toward Albuquerque, NM. I am at a loss for words to describe the terrain we see. We are at an elevation of about 5000’ and still in the desert. The land is so flat and there are no trees so you can see for miles and miles. In the distance are plateaus; sort of like mountains with flat tops. The colors are so pretty. I only wish that everyone ,especially those we love and hold so dear, could see the country through our eyes.
As we leave Arizona and enter New Mexico, it begins to rain and we drove in the rain for the next hundred miles or so. Thinking about God working, I told Floyce that perhaps there is another ball team that He needs us to help. Continuing along on I40, we finally stopped at a place about 90 miles west of Albuquerque, called Bluewater Outpost and I bought a leather hat. I’m hoping it makes me look like Indiana Jones. We arrived at Albuquerque at about 9:30. Of course it was dark and since the city is down in a valley and we were up a long hill west of town we could see the whole city lit up; and it is a large city. Once again, it was beautiful.
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