Day 6 June 21, 2010
Beartooth Pass defies description. Webster doesn’t have enough words to describe it. It is a magnificent example of God’s creation. The drive up to the pass is filled with hairpin turns, steep drop-offs and beautiful views. Near the summit we played in the snow. On the way down we encountered a storm; first rain, then sleet, then snow and hail. Then into Yellowstone Park. In the park we saw a lot of wildlife; bison, ground squirrel, chipmunks, grouse a pelican, a bear and elk. Stopped last evening at Old Faithful and spent the night there. One more time to watch Old Faithful erupt this morning, then on to Glacier. We traveled up the loop from Old Faithful to Mammoth Springs. The steaming pools were too much for words. Saw a huge bull elk and got some pics. Left Yellowstone about 4:00 and drove to Livingstone MT where we plan to spend the night. On the way we drove along the Yellowstone river for most of the 52 miles. In the park, the river was a rushing torrent of water; sometimes squeezing through narrow canyons. Outside the park, it is serene and calm as it flows mostly through wide expanses of lush green grass. It is as though it has no depth and flows gently along with virtually no bank on either side. It is beautiful. I am going to try to get the problem solved tonight with the pictures so I can have them for you all to view. are amazing at describing the sites...feels like I'm there. I hope there are pictures of you and Floyce playing in the snow. Miss you guys. Love you!